How ‘Keystone Habits’ Can Transform Your Life
Remember when your mom told you to make your bed before you went to school in the morning? I obviously didn’t know it at the time, but she was clearly on to something. It turns out, our moms’ morning nagging was fully aligned with the protocol and success of the U.S. Special Forces. I’ll explain that in a moment.
But first of all, let’s dig into the research – because I’ve interviewed dozens of psychologists, research scientists, and PHDs on the topic of morning habits. And most, if not all, agree that the key to winning your day before noon is something called “keystone habits.” Those are behaviors that create a chain reaction – influencing other habits and behaviors.
So for example…making your bed is a keystone habit in that a clean and organized bedroom will set the tone for your whole day. So if you leave the house without making your bed, you’re essentially starting the day with a small, but meaningful failure.
That’s according to Charles Duhigg, the author of “The Power Of Habit.” He says, making the bed is our first organizational task of the day. And if we don’t do it, it’s downhill from there. In his research, Duhigg found that making your bed every morning leads to higher levels of productivity and overall happiness.
It gives us a sense of being prepared and in control. Again, making your bed every morning is a “keystone habit.” A behavior that creates a chain reaction that will have a positive effect on the rest of your daily habits and behaviors.